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April's Ritual || Oil For Spontaneity

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Year of the Witch || Year with our "Inner" Witch Celebration || Each month, I invite you to explore and awaken your inner good witch through an enchanting new item or ritual designed to connect you with the ancient wisdom of herbal magic, celestial energies, and the healing powers of nature.

April begins with a day dedicated to jests and lighthearted mischief—April Fool's Day, a tradition rooted in the ages and often linked to the vernal equinox. As we emerge from the lengthy chill of winter, engaging in gentle jests serves as a delightful way to release pent-up energy. The invigorating shift in weather and the awakening of nature encourage us to cast aside winter's lethargy and embrace activity. In a similar vein, the Fool from the Tarot's major arcana invites us to embark on new adventures. This card embodies not only new beginnings but also exudes joy, an adventurous spirit, and an embrace of the spontaneous. Its essence mirrors the spirit of April, a month that opens with a nod to humor and mirth.

Embrace this month's playful energy by crafting the following oil blend and anointing your pulse points, inviting spontaneity into your life. You can snag this oil in the shop or whip up your own with the recipe below - either way, you're in for a zesty spring adventure.

April's Ritual || 1 oz Perfume Bottle. Before applying, gently shake the bottle to awaken the oils energies. Then, anoint your pulse points-such as wrists and neck. As you do so, affirm your openness to life's infinite possibilities by speaking one of the following affirmations aloud. 

I am open to the playfulness of life.

I am creative in life. 

I embrace adventure.

I look forward to where the day takes me. 

To enhance and reinforce your intentions, carry a symbol of a fool with you, such as the tarot card, a small dog charm, a white rose, or something with the number 0 on it.

Oil For Spontaneity Recipe (ingredients) Carrier oil: I suggest Apricot oil - symbolizing the awakening of new life and opportunity's much life the apricot tree that blossoms beautifully in the early spring(couple tablespoons)  4 drops of lemongrass for road-opening. 3 Drops of sweet orange oil  for success and confidence. 3 drops of lemon oil for energizing.

Caution: Citrus oils can make skin photosensitive. Use this oil on places that won't be exposed to sunlight for 24-36 hours after use.

 April's recipe courtesy of Raechel Henderson.